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Roig, G. (2020).

Roig, G. (2020). Product compatibility hinders pre-emptive advertising. Economic Inquiry, (in Press), pp.1-26, ISSN (952583).

Sánchez, F., Torres, P., Villaveces, J. (2020).

Sánchez, F., Torres, P., Villaveces, J. (2020). Tierra por votos. Adjudicación de baldíos durante la república liberal, 1930-1946. Revista de Economia Institucional, (22(43)), pp.249-275, ISSN (0124-5996).

Gallego, J., Llorente, B., Maldonado, N., Otálvaro, S., Rodríguez, P. (2020).

Gallego, J., Llorente, B., Maldonado, N., Otálvaro, S., Rodríguez, P. (2020). Tobacco taxes and illicit cigarette trade in Colombia. Economics and Human Biology, (39), pp.1-11, ISSN (18736130).

Dupas, P., Robinson, J., Saavedra, S. (2020).

Dupas, P., Robinson, J., Saavedra, S. (2020). The daily grind: Cash needs and labor supply. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, (17), pp.399-414, ISSN (1672681).

Gáfaro, M., Mantilla, C. (2020).

Gáfaro, M., Mantilla, C. (2020). Land division: A lab-in-the-field bargaining experiment.. Journal of Development Economics, (146), pp.1-25, ISSN (3043878).

Gallego, J., Martínez, J., Rivero, G. (2020).

Gallego, J., Martínez, J., Rivero, G. (2020). Preventing rather than Punishing: An Early Warning Model of Malfeasance in Public Procurement.. International Journal of Forecasting, (In Press), pp.1-18, ISSN (1692070).

Gómez, F., Londoño, J. (2020).

Gómez, F., Londoño, J. (2020). Optimal consumption, investment, and life insurance purchase: a state-dependent utilities approach.. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, (In Press), pp.1-20, ISSN (00207160)).

Roig, G. (2020).

Roig, G. (2020). Collusive equilibria with switching costs: The effect of consumer concentration. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, (In Press), pp. 1-22, ISSN (15309134).